We are worldwide Video, Audio,Text, Image, App, Games distribution company, distributing contents in 52+ countries, 11000+ clips per day in 43+ languages from our worldwide offices.

Ever growing list of prestigious clients includes The Times Group, TATA Sky, Zee Group, Reliance, Airtel, CRI CIBNCN, Escapes Latam, Smart OTT Canada, IMI Mobile India, Pyro India, Vuclip, Spice Digital, Unisys InfoSolution, Rockville UAE, IMI Mobile South Africa, Spice Digital - Nigeria, Apalyn India, Viaway.

We don't just distribute the content; our market research and analytics team continues to invest time in analyzing the ecosystem and building models to predict consumer's demand which enables us to recommend the content that would generate the revenue for our partners.

Media Outlets

The value of a distributor is in its network of media and telecom partners. We have developed contract pricing with operators and platform vendors which allows us to get our content in front of wide range of consumers without making a new contract.

Customer Service

We maintain a qualified and effective customer service team that deals with customer issue promptly. We also take on the complete responsibility of distribution formalities that significantly reduces the administrative overhead for the producers.


Different platforms have different requirements. Our customization team reviews requirement for all the operators and platform vendors and customize the content to suit their needs and regulations on priority basis.

Our ever-growing network of 342+ partners empowers us to reach millions of consumers at a super sonic speed.

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